Daily Message
Date and Times given in Eastern Standard Time

02 Sunday March 30th 2025 - Moon enters Taurus 4:17 PM
Analyzing the rhythm of our own habits and vices can yield an expanded perspective. Neptune's Aries ingress will be very interesting. With Mars transiting Cancer from September 4th of 2024 through to April 19th of this year, Mars did spend seven weeks in Leo during this Cancerian ride however, the influence indicated for Aries and action and courage will be a sustained sensitivity. The Leo ingress indicating a brush with self respect, yet really one's vulnerability has had it's cage rattled, assuming one has had their feelings locked up. Now with Neptune in Aries a degree of sensitivity may have just opened a another door, this one into one's higher emotional self. Each individual will have their own experience, what one is ripe for will surely be granted passage, tracking one's direction and focus. Our sense of security and comfort may be a priority during this transit, we may associate this comfort with certain physical things. Some may long for and remember the past fondly, as if this were the time where they had comfort. A connection with the past may be calling one to reconsider their current situation and to be wise with what one takes as real. A sense of caution may be felt as we continue to unravel some things from our past experiences which were affecting our security. We don't want to get lost in false ideas anymore, assuming one has admitted this, no, we want to have our wits about us, we want to be clear as to what is happening. Our family and our home may be involved in our concern. It is our sense of foundation and security which is important and as such there is little interest in fantasy or could be's.

New Message Begins April 1 2025 4:27 PM
The Daily Message is taken from the current PathfinderReport

Astrologer * William Oulton

Current Date and Time

Next New Moon
26 Days, 20 Hours, and 54 Minutes.